Report on the Winter Graduation Meeting of the Middle-age Full-time Training 壮年成全班冬季毕业聚会报导

“Sound Doctrine; Fine Deposit Entrusted”
The winter graduation gathering for the full-time elders’ training and extended training was held on December 15, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. at the central conference center in Nantou. There were seventy-six graduating trainees in the full-time elders’ training and thirty-nine graduating trainees in the extended training. A total of 1,221 saints were in attendance.
The gathering began with two hymns: “Something Beautiful” and “Renewed Consecration Today.” This was followed by testimonies from the graduating trainees, each of which was moving. One trainee testified of the grace he received through praying regularly. Another testified of how he went from being lukewarm toward the Lord to recovering his first love for Him and continuing to run the race. Still another testified of how he used to be afraid of prophesying, but through the prophesying training, he actively exercised himself and became an uttering part in the church. One trainee testified that obedience brings blessing, and that by practicing obedience during the training, he enjoyed the Lord’s blessing. There was also a couple who testified together about how the full-time elders’ training transformed their home from one of emptiness and despair to one overflowing with the cup of blessing.
The trainees also received awards for their various exercises throughout the year. Finally, some brothers gave exhortations to the graduating trainees, speaking of how the Triune God is a joyful God and that joy is an attribute of the Father. Our Lord Jesus Christ is joyful, and He wants to work His joy into us—there is joy in the Spirit. The economy of the Triune God is to work Himself as the joyful God into us so that we may obtain a joyful kingdom to manifest this joyful God. All the trainees, having been greatly supplied by the Triune God during the training, became joyful.
The Triune God is becoming our joy, but we are not faithful enough. Although we have been saved and are joyful in our church life, we still have other joys. God is faithful—He faithfully removes our idols and allows difficulties to come upon us. He faithfully brings people to the full-time elders’ training. It is not easy to shepherd this group of accomplished trainees. The full-time elders’ training is the training of the Triune God, in which a group of brothers serve together so that the Triune God may become the blessing of all. All the experiences of the brothers and sisters testify that ultimately, the Triune God’s joy is becoming our joy. Do the brothers and sisters want to be more joyful? Please attend the full-time elders’ training. Those who have already attended the training should follow Brother Nee’s example. In his final twenty years, he was persecuted and imprisoned, yet he maintained his joy. All who came into contact with him tasted the Lord Jesus because of his testimony. May the rest of our lives be fully consecrated to Him, allowing the molding hand of the Triune God to work on us again and again. May the Lord bless the brothers and sisters and “keep our joy within us continually.”
The brother said that the Lord’s recovery has been practically perfected through the full-time elders’ training of heartfelt brothers and sisters. At the same time, he hoped that those who have not yet attended the training would seize the opportunity before they turn seventy, as the new regulation for the full-time elders’ training is that the age limit is seventy. Second Timothy 1:13-14 says, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed unto you guard through the Holy Ghost which dwells in us.” Paul charged Timothy to hold fast the pattern of sound words during a time when the church was backsliding. This was a fine deposit entrusted to him. Second Timothy 2:2 says, “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” This is to pass on the truth from generation to generation.
History tells us that although the church was backsliding, there were still faithful ones who held fast the truth, but eventually the church fell into a very dark period. It was not until the Reformation in the sixteenth century that the recovery began, and then the ministry of Brother Nee and Brother Lee emerged in the twentieth century. The pattern of sound words was fully opened up again toward the Lord’s recovery. Today, we have recovered to the level of truth that the early apostles saw. This is no small thing.
Before Brother Lee passed away, he summarized this pattern of sound words into eight major items of truth:
1. The Triune God who has passed through a process and who has an ultimate consummation.
2. The all-inclusive Christ.
3. The consummating Spirit.
4. The divine eternal life.
5. The church.
6. The Body of Christ.
7. The corporate composition of God and man.
8. The ultimate consummation, the New Jerusalem.
The main subjects in the full-time elders’ training are these eight items of truth. All the contents are entirely the pattern of sound words.
The brother encouraged the brothers and sisters who have not yet attended the training to attend the seven annual conferences and trainings, but that is definitely not enough. This is because without a complete and detailed blueprint, only the youth training and the full-time elders’ training can present this outline of truth, this pattern, in its entirety to the children of God in a short period of time. He hoped that the saints would seize the few remaining days to attend the training. If we are not built up in this age, we will still need to be built up in the age to come. The word of God must produce its effect in us so that the Body of Christ can be built up and the bride can be fully prepared. May we be constituted with the divine truth throughout our lives and firmly hold fast the pattern of sound words, guarding this fine deposit entrusted to us.

(Translated from Google Gemini)


















