Sending the Meeting to Homes and Developing Children’s Groups—Fellowship of Children’s Serving one and Parents in Taiwan 送会到家,开儿童排—全台儿童服事者暨家长交通

The fellowship of children’s workers and parents in Taiwan was held on November 11 at the Hsinchu City Jen-ai meeting hall. A total of 647 workers and parents attended the meeting. Through the fellowship of the Body, the saints were encouraged and had a share in the grace received in various localities.

The message this time mentioned “the children’s work in homes and neighboring communities.” Today, worldly things have taken over many people, and they seem not so open to the gospel. The best way to overcome this is to have children’s groups in the homes of the saints. By meeting house by house, we can stir up the children to function in the meetings and also invite their classmates and relatives to the meetings in their homes. When they see the scene in the homes of the saints, they will surely be touched and receive the Lord’s salvation. In this way, the children can also be surrounded by a spiritual atmosphere from a young age. Those who are thus gained are very reliable because they have been taught since they were young, and when they grow up and receive the gospel, they will surely be steady and firm!

In order for the children’s workers, parents, and the saints who have a burden for the children to cooperate more practically, the serving team was divided into four groups: “sending the meeting to homes, opening children’s groups, gospel pioneering, and the transition from the fifth to the sixth grade.” This allowed the brothers and sisters to have deeper fellowship. 1. Sending the meeting to homes: In addition to continually contacting the homes to which the meeting is sent in our daily lives, each visit should be kept within half an hour. Furthermore, we need to establish after-meeting meetings to help the parents of the children feed on the Lord’s word and find companions. 2. Opening children’s groups: First, we need to open up our homes, pray often, and not be discouraged. Even if only our own children attend, we still need to bring them together to pray for others and be steadfast and persistent.

3. Gospel expansion: It is not a matter of method but of burden. By establishing a life of prayer and fellowship with the saints, we will have a burden for people and take action. 4. The transition from the fifth to the sixth grade: The children’s and young people’s workers need to be adjusted together to become a bridge for the children, allowing the children in the fifth and sixth grades to study, live, and adjust together with the older brothers and sisters in the young people’s group. Spiritually, they can have morning revival, evening prayer, and home meetings, and each one can have someone to accompany and shepherd them.

Finally, the brothers showed us that we do children’s work because we see God’s economy in the ministry of the age. In order to build up the Body of Christ, the universe, many building materials are needed. We need to consecrate ourselves to the Lord every day for such children’s work, bear the Lord’s testimony, build up the Body of Christ, and welcome the Lord’s return.(Translated from Google Gemini)







