Abundant Blessings, Multiplying Assembly Halls—Taipei Church Assembly Hall 103 丰厚祝福,繁增会所—台北市召会一○三会所

Abundant Blessings, Multiplying Assembly Halls

Assembly Hall 103 was established on December 10, 2023. It was multiplied out of three assembly halls, all by God’s rich and abundant grace. Life-study of Genesis, message 71, says, “We must see that every blessing, whether spiritual or material, comes to us by the Lord’s sovereignty.”

In 2008, Assembly Hall Three multiplied out 39 assembly halls. Then in 2015, the number of saints reached 311. The brothers prayed and sought, and they had the burden to increase the assembly halls by first multiplying out a large group. In 2016, the number of saints reached 340, and they multiplied out 62 assembly halls. God’s blessing is limitless; He pours it into our bosom, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. As large as our vessel is, the Lord adds that much more. In 2017, the number of saints in Assembly Hall Three greatly increased by 20 percent, reaching 300 again.

This was truly a vision the Lord gave to the brothers. When the number of saints in Assembly Hall Three reached 300, the Lord was reminding us: It is time to multiply! So in 2018, they multiplied out Assembly Hall 71. In 2020, Assembly Hall 62 also multiplied out Assembly Hall 82. In 2022, the number of saints in Assembly Hall Three reached 301 again. Although it was during the pandemic, the brothers continued to pray and seek the burden to multiply, to multiply out Assembly Hall 103.

For this goal, each district formed a core serving group. Every Saturday before the gospel friends or the saints on the list who do not meet regularly that they were going to visit on Saturday, they would pray and make definite invitations, and then they would go together to visit them. Every time they came back from visiting, everyone was very joyful, feeling that God was with them and that they were filled with hope.

Starting in September of last year, 2023, the saints actively coordinated with the gospel season. Every week there was a love feast and a Bible lecture. Starting in October, they also invited the ten assembly halls in the Da-an District to take turns going out to spread the gospel or visit the saints every Saturday afternoon. Every Lord’s Day evening there was a gospel meeting, with the theme “The Needs of Nine Kinds of People” from the Gospel of John. The assembly halls in the Da-an District coordinated to give testimonies and messages. Everyone was of one accord, testifying that the gospel had become a part of our life.

Romans 15:6: “That with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Later, the trainees of the Youth Class Outreach Team fought together with us to go forward, spreading the gospel, teaching the truth, and making all the nations the Lord’s disciples.

(Translated from Google Gemini)









