An Update on Brother Ron Kangas’s Situation

Dear Brothers,

Below is an update on brother Ron Kangas’s situation:

You are likely aware that brother Ron suffered a hip fracture on September 4. Since that time, he has undergone surgical treatment of the fracture, and he is now in the initial stage of his recuperation and rehabilitation. Please pray, for the sake of the Lord’s interests (1 Kings 4:8), for the most rapid and complete recovery of his health and function.



以下是 Ron Kangas 弟兄的最新情况:

大家可能知道,Ron弟兄在9月4日髋骨骨折,自那时起,他就接受了骨折的手术治疗,目前正处于恢复和康复的初期阶段。 为着主的权益(王上四8),请为他的健康和功用尽快完全恢复而祷告。