Report Regarding the Student Labour in South Africa (2022)

Our student labour began in January 2022 with much enjoyment and supply during our national student training – we had 54 total saints – 32 students and 22 serving ones. Our school year started in February, and the Lord has answered our prayers and brought us into contact with many positive students. In the middle of the year we had our yearly Bible retreat in the northern part of the country at a venue just north of Pretoria. We also had a retreat for the students in the southern part of the country near Cape Town. Each year, this retreat is a big stepping stone for those on whom we have laboured during the first half of the year, in terms of their going on with the Lord personally and also corporately for them to see more regarding the Lord’s heart’s desire for the church.
This year our Bible retreat took place from 22-24 July. In the northern part of the country we were a total of 65 saints together, of which 43 were students. In the southern part we were 36 in total of which 21 students. The general subject for our retreat was: Acts – the continuation of Christ. We covered four messages during the weekend and had very good group times after each message for further digestion, fellowship and questions. These group times were a real highlight for many of the students who all testified of the benefit of having such fellowship.
In the north we also did two blending trips, six sisters going to Nelspruit and nine brothers to Durban. The brothers spent two days at a booked venue and got into a book together, “The Practical Expression of the Church”. After that they spent two days with the saints in their homes. The sisters spent three days with the saints in their homes. Both the brothers and sisters could testify to the tremendous benefit of such a visitation to open up the eyes of the students to see something more regarding the church life. Not only was it a great benefit to the students visiting the saints, but the receiving localities also received the supply in the Body from those visiting them.
In the southern part we had a big encouragement in 2022 by the Lord adding three families nearby to the university that we labour on. Previously there was only one family nearby. Before COVID the meetings became too large to take proper care of the students. When we started this year we were able to keep the size of the meetings small enough to shepherd the students by spreading them to more homes.
We are dwelling with our King for His work.
Serving ones in South Africa