2022 European Chinese Speaking Conference in Paris

2022 European Chinese Speaking Conference in Paris

198 registered to meet in person and 274 registered to meet online, totally 472 registered from 27countries for the conference. The topic of this conference is “God’s economy in faith”. The speaking brothers encouraged all the saints to be governed by the vision of God’s economy and to follow the Lord by faith that we will follow the footsteps of Abraham to run our race. The saints were all strengthened and encouraged by the speaking of the Lord and the blending in the Body.

相隔三年后第一次实体在巴黎的欧洲华语特会,198位报名实体聚集,274位报名在线参加, 总共472位,从27个国家来的圣徒一同参与特会。特会的主题是“神在信上的经纶”。弟兄们鼓励众圣徒,要被神经纶的异象所控制,知道我们为什么来欧洲;并且要过接触主的生活,好更多得着神作我们的信心,以跟随亚伯拉罕信心的脚踪,过祭坛和帐棚的生活,来继续奔跑我们前头的赛程。众圣徒都因着主的说话,和与圣徒们的相调得着加强和鼓励。
