Update Concerning the Health of Brother Benson Philips

Aug 3, 2022
Update Concerning the Health of Brother Benson Philips:

From Barbera Phillips

“We are praying the Lord will open up how we can take care of Benson the next 3 weeks. He has to have a Foley catheter and he tries to remove it so he has to wear these big white stuffed gloves that look like boxing gloves and he fights to take them off constantly. The urologist said he needs to be in a skilled nursing facility but Ben said there are no good ones that will watch him constantly so we hopefully get some 24 hr care to watch him at home if we can work it out.

He has become very, very weak and can barely walk and is falling too much and impossible for me to pick up so we just need the Lord’s intervention to provide the proper caregivers. Pray for us.”

2022 年 8 月 3 日

信息来自Barbera Phillips:

“我们祷告主让我们知道在接下来的三周里该如何照顾本生。他需要佩戴一个 Foley导尿管,但他试图将其移除。但他必须戴上这些看起来像拳击手套的白色物体,尽管他不断地试图将它们取下。泌尿科医生说他需要待在一个专业的护理机构,但本生说没有合适的人能持续照看他,所以如果我们能自行解决的话,我们希望能24小时在家照顾他。
