The Report of the Lord’s Recovery in Bangladesh

The Lord’s Recovery in Bangladesh.

The report of May, 2022.


After Bro.Barthol & Bro. Paul visited Birampul, Rajshahi, Joypurhaat and stayed in the training center, they transferred to Dhaka on 4th of May.

After they stayed there for 2 days and visited Shreemongol,  they visited Bro.Mose & sister Sanjita and

several villages, following the preaching Gospel and meeting the saints.


On 7th of May, Bro. Albrecus’

family – his wife , two daughters, and a son –    visited the training center from Joypurhaat. Good news is that their three children promised to join the full-time training. 


On May 9th, Bro. Shymol and Som from Birampur and Bro.Gopal and Sobuz from Fulbari visited the training center.


I stayed in the training center, till  finishing the construction of accomodation building and I came back to Dhaka on May 12th.

I extended  to stay for 3 years more about my lodging of Dhaka.


On May 18th, Bro. Jo myung-ho and Sis. Cha mun-sun arrived in Dhaka, We have stayed together, they are going to Korea in two months.


Through May 25th to 28th, Bro.Barthol and Uzzol visited the regions of Lajastoli, there they preached the Gospel and baptized 8 saints. They will proclaim the testimony in the region.


On May 26th, Bro. Bimol from Birgonji and Bro. James from Meherpur visited Dhaka.

It takes about 10 hours to transit here by bus.


I visited the saints in Savar, Gajipur, Bonani with Bro.Bimol, James, Simpson and Augustine.



Though many organizations of missionaries came to Bangladesh and had their missions about 300 years, but the state of the christians seems to be very shallow.

Few saints read the Bible. Little do they have the church life of gathering together, having fellowship, shepherding mutually and praying according to the Apostles’ teaching.

Also only a few saints seek and devote to the Lord.

So we have felt that we have difficulties in helping them.


Through June 13th to 27gh, 5 full-time trainees, 2 preliminary trainees, 2 instructors are going to visit the churches.


Please pray for the strong progress of the Lord’s recovery in Bangladesh,  preaching the Gospel, shepherding and the raising proper church life in each region.

