LMAfrica Newsletter – April 2022

Newsletter Issue: April 2022 www.lmafrica.org

No. of localities: 8
No. of saints in church life: 1547
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 547

The Lord’s Move in Ethiopia
Currently there are 8 churches in Ethiopia and over 50 localities where there are saints meeting regularly. Among these around 20 localities began to meet during the time of the pandemic. We are strongly praying and labouring for this ministry to spread all over the country so that the Lord may strengthen His move. The Lord’s Table will be established in 2 of these major cities in May 2022, namely Nekemte and Gimbi. We are also praying for the raising up of lampstands in Dembidolo and Burayu soon after that. Currently full-time serving brothers are labouring to strengthen the saints by staying with them for a month or two in these cities.
Campus Work
Following on from the report in the July 2021 issue of the Newsletter, in August 2021 we gathered 550 students for a one-week training in Addis Ababa. Most of them have attended the three previous conferences. We continue to shepherd these contacts through three regional conferences held in three major cities. In addition, 6 one-week trainings were held in Addis Ababa for key brothers from some selected cities. The average attendance of these trainings was 25.
Enjoying the Ministry
The seven feasts and the subsequent Holy Word for Morning Revival materials remain our major supplies and our safeguard to be kept in oneness with the Body. In addition, bi-annual conferences are held in December and in April respectively. We also enjoy the ministry through group and personal studies of the Recovery Version Bible and ministry materials. We are also blessed with trainings for responsible brothers and full-time serving saints which were held with those from the rest of Africa. There are also different times of fellowship with other co-workers. The location of one of the full-time training centres in Africa in Ethiopia is also a source of blessing to us. Since our main language is not English we need to translate the ministry into the two major languages used in the country, namely Amharic and Afan Oromo. We translate all the seven feast outlines and excerpts into both languages, and the messages into the Amharic language. A group of saints labour in this service so that the rest of the saints may enjoy the riches in this ministry. This group also helps the Amana Ethiopia Printing and Publishing in translating books for publication.
Children and Young People
In total, there are over 250 children in the church in Addis Ababa. We thank and praise the Lord for all the children and young people He has given to us. Due to the lack of suitable facilities, children’s meetings are conducted on Saturday afternoons instead of concurrently with the Lord’s Day meeting. The age grouping in the meetings is: 4-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14 and 15-18. The number of children who attend the children’s meetings is close to 150. Currently we are fellowshipping to start meetings for 3 year old children. There is not yet arrangement for infants who are less than three years old.

In the past we have not been able to gather the young people together to meet due to the lack of venues. The only opportunity was to gather some young ones between the ages of 12-18 years in the training centre. Praise the Lord for the prayer of the saints! The Lord has opened up two school premises for our young people’s meetings in two districts. In one of these districts we have 80 young ones and in the other 40. One of the schools has been generously provided by a sister who is meeting with us. The other one is rented for a very reasonable amount. We also have one neighborhood meeting in the home of the saints. In this meeting there are 20 children. There are 7 saints coordinating and 10 other sisters who serve in the meetings. We use different materials from the ministry and from other churches around the world for our lessons. We also have sessions for singing, craft, snack and playing time. Every week there is a prayer and coordination meeting. During our weekly sisters’ prayer meeting, mothers are encouraged to pray for our children, to serve and to prepare snacks for the meetings.

The testimonies which we have heard from the children and parents are encouraging. Because they play together, the children have more opportunities to get to know each other and to become companions. This makes them love the meetings. The older ones are caring for the younger ones, the younger ones are happy to be with the older ones! They love one another! The young people are also bringing their school friends to the meetings. They are more active in receiving and re-speaking the word. And every week the number of young people attending the meeting increases. The parents have been paying a price to separate their time; some even cancel other activities in order to attend these meetings. Parents who come to drop their children are able to stay behind at the meeting. As a result they become more burdened for the children and young people’s work and some have begun to participate in the service. Some parents come with their little ones who are younger than three years old and help to take care of other children in the meeting. Some saints who were dormant and have not joined the church meetings for some time also come for the sake of their children. May the Lord continue to bless this service and the children to be the continuation for His testimony.

We are very happy to announce another Africa-wide Conference about “Raising up the Next Generation” with brother Ricky Acosta, on 30 April and 1 May. This is a follow up from last year when we had a very blessed weekend on the same topic. Praise the Lord for the fellowship and supply from the Body. Please contact the serving ones in your locality for details.
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  • Download a pdf version of the Traditional Chinese newsletter (pdf size 771 kb)
  • Téléchargez le bulletin d’information en Français (pdf 262 kb)
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