Cameroon Perfecting and Trainings


Perfecting and Trainings

This year the saints have had many opportunities to blend with saints in other countries through online conferences and trainings. The saints have been participating in all the major feasts with much blending with saints from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina, U.K., France and Belgium. During the blendings, saints from different churches gave reports on the Lord’s move in their respective countries and localities, which have been most encouraging. Thanks to the fellowship and blending with the churches in Europe, our sisters attended a sisters’ conference on 4 December together with the sisters in the French-speaking countries in Europe. Arrangements were also made for interpretation into English. It was an unprecedented opportunity for all our sisters to be brought into such an atmosphere with fellow sisters in the Body. The Lord has also been equipping the brothers through the West and East African Training for Elders and Responsible Ones. The brothers have been pursuing the book Lessons on the Eldership during the bi-monthly fellowship, and we have covered 18 lessons so far. The Lord has equally opened a way to equip the serving ones all over Africa through the Full-Timer Perfecting and Pursuit (FTPP), a monthly pursuit carried out by the co-workers laboring in Africa. This pursuit began in November. Two serving ones from Cameroon have been participating in this training.