Letter from the Brothers in Moscow

Dear Brothers,

The brothers in Moscow composed the letter below to all the saints in the Russian-speaking world. It was immediately sent to all the saints in Ukraine. 


Dear brothers and sisters! Due to the current political situation, we encourage all the saints and the churches, especially at this time, first of all to make petitions (1 Tim. 2:1-4), being one with the interceding Christ in prayer for His interests, for the churches and for the life and health of the saints firstly in the territories covered by the military conflict.

Especially at such a time, it is important for us to remember that whatever the outward environment, the heavens do rule (Dan. 4:26). The Lord is on the throne, and He is the Head of all things to the church for the fulfillment of God’s purpose.

“In 4:26 Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, ‘Your kingdom will be assured to you after you have come to know that the heavens do rule.’ It is the heavens that rule, not Nebuchadnezzar or Cyrus or Alexander the Great or illness or turmoil or rebellion. The earth is under the rule of a heavenly administration. The heavens rule for us, and Christ is for us. Furthermore, we are under God’s heavenly rule for Christ. The purpose of the heavenly ruling is to complete God’s elect so that Christ may be preeminent, that He may be the first—the centrality—and everything—the universality.

Because the heavens rule, Christ is with us in all our situations. When we are sick, He is with us. When we are in turmoil, He is with us. I can testify that we can enjoy His presence in the midst of turmoil and rebellion.” (Life-Study of Daniel, ch. 12)

Dear saints, the universe is under God’s administration, in which God intends to make Christ preeminent, and for the accomplishment of God’s intention, we, His people, must give Him our full coordination and cooperation, first of all in our prayers.

Now more than ever, it is important for us to realize that we are “fellow citizens with the saints and the members of the household of God” (Eph. 2:19); that is, we are all citizens of God’s kingdom, regardless of our location and residence. And in this light, it is extremely important for us to avoid any politically motivated discussions, and even more so disputes, and instead — turn our eyes away to our King of kings on the throne in order to coordinate with Him in this situation and cooperate with Him in prayer, personal and corporate, taking the heavenly position.

Speaking about the importance of the heavenly position in prayer, Brother Lee gave the following testimony: “When I was a boy, I studied in a Christian school. That was during World War I. I heard some smart ones asking the pastor, ‘There are Christians in Germany, and there are also Christians in Great Britain, yet the two countries are implacable enemies. We heard that the Christians in Germany are praying for the victory of Germany and that the Christians in Great Britain are praying for the victory of Great Britain. Will you please tell us which side’s prayer will be answered by God?’ Today, brothers and sisters, I would like to ask you the same question. How would you answer?…Later, after I was saved, this question often came back to me. Gradually, I became clear about it. God would not listen to the Christians in Germany, or Great Britain, as they prayed on the position of their respective country. Neither Great Britain nor Germany is the position of prayer. Whoever prays by standing either on the position of Great Britain or Germany will never has his prayer answered by God. There is only one position for prayer—that is the heavenly position. You must pray in the heavenly sphere.” (Lessons on Prayer, ch. 17)

Today, the Lord really needs the prayers of the Body, uttered in the heavenly sphere, in the position of ascension, which will be able to conquer the destructive satanic chaos and carry out the constructive divine economy — to end this age, to return the Lord, and to bring in God’s kingdom to earth.

Grace to you all