LMAfrica Newsletter – North Africa – December 2021

Newsletter Issue: December 2021 www.lmafrica.org

This region continues to require much prayer. Cairo remains the only lampstand in North Africa. We believe that the Lord desires to spread His testimony in this region. We ask all the saints to stand in oneness with the Lord and join us in prayer for raising up many more lampstands in this region.

Church Life
Due to the pandemic, in Cairo many church meetings are conducted online; there are also some face-to-face gatherings. We came to realize the need for more mutual nourishing, cherishing, shepherding, and building. For this purpose, we have been developing small group meetings. Currently, there are three group meetings in different sections of the greater Cairo metropolis. Some of the groups are pursuing the recently translated Life-Study of Genesis and Life-Study of John. In June 2021 an Egyptian sister graduated from the Full-time Training in Pretoria, South Africa. There are now three local Egyptian saints who have passed through the Full-time Training and are serving in Cairo. We believe they are just the first of many young local saints that the Lord wants to train for His work in this part of the earth! We also pray that the Lord could put the burden in some couples with experience in the church life to migrate to Cairo to help supply us in these early years of establishing this “church tree”. While it would be wonderful if they can learn some Arabic, this is not a necessity for them to enjoy the local church life since many saints can speak English.

Annual Cairo Conference

The last annual Cairo conference was conducted by Zoom in January 2021. Arabic-speaking saints from all over the world participated in the conference and it was a glorious time. The next conference will be held from 17-19 February 2022. We are planning to have physical meetings at a venue in Cairo. The topic will be “The Genuine Church Life.”
Publication Work in Arabic

The Arabic publication work in Cairo, under the name of Al-Jadwal Al-Haii (meaning ‘Living Stream’; AJAH for short), has produced several new ministry titles, including several volumes of Life-study messages. Such ministry material has proven to be quite attractive to Arabic readers. This past summer AJAH participated in the Cairo International Book Fair. While this fair usually draws about 5 million readers, due to the pandemic and delays, the attendance was down significantly this year. Nevertheless, the Lord was faithful to arrange many divine appointments with sons of peace. We are looking forward to the upcoming 2022 Cairo Book Fair in late January/early February to dispense this rich ministry in Arabic to the seekers.

The current priority of the publication work is the Arabic New Testament Recovery Version project. We praise the Lord that He is raising up new translators. As a result, the Arabic translation team continues to be able to produce new titles in Arabic. Currently translation of some of the titles related to the vital groups is on-going, so that the churches can be brought fully into the God-ordained way.

No. of localities: 4
No. of saints in church life: 230
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 120
Church Life

The pandemic has subsided in Cameroon, one of the countries in Central Africa. The saints in all local churches are also practicing the church life normally, including having face-to-face meetings both during the week and on Lord’s Days.
Since the pandemic, co-workers and saints from overseas have not been able to visit the churches. We praise the Lord for the recent visit of a co-worker from 3 to 15 November. The visit was very refreshing to all the saints. We had a lot of fellowships and meetings among the saints in all the local churches in the country during this visit.
We also gathered together to enjoy two messages on the subject: “Living in the Reality of the Kingdom Of God”. The brother encouraged us in a very burdened way to give ourselves fully to the Lord for His move in Cameroon.

We continue to contact and shepherd people one by one and distribute Bibles and the ministry. A WhatsApp group was created to encourage our contacts and also the saints to go through a one-year reading schedule through the Recovery Version Bible (New Testament).

The participants have really been enjoying the great treasures in the Recovery Version Bible. The Lord has also attracted some key contacts. One of them is a pastor in a free Christian group who is seeking for the truth. We have been shepherding him with the ministry. We pray for the Lord to bring this seeking one and all his followers to take His way.

Perfecting and Trainings
This year the saints have had many opportunities to blend with saints in other countries through online conferences and trainings. The saints have been participating in all the major feasts with much blending with saints from countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina, U.K., France and Belgium. During the blendings, saints from different churches gave reports on the Lord’s move in their respective countries and localities, which have been most encouraging.

Thanks to the fellowship and blending with the churches in Europe, our sisters attended a sisters’ conference on 4 December together with the sisters in the French-speaking countries in Europe. Arrangements were also made for interpretation into English. It was an unprecedented opportunity for all our sisters to be brought into such an atmosphere with fellow sisters in the Body.

The Lord has also been equipping the brothers through the West and East African Training for Elders and Responsible Ones. The brothers have been pursuing the book Lessons on the Eldership during the bi-monthly fellowship, and we have covered 18 lessons so far.

The Lord has equally opened a way to equip the serving ones all over Africa through the Full-Timer Perfecting and Pursuit (FTPP), a monthly pursuit carried out by the co-workers laboring in Africa. This pursuit began in November. Two serving ones from Cameroon have been participating in this training.

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  • Download a pdf version of the Traditional Chinese newsletter (pdf size 416 kb)
  • Téléchargez le bulletin d’information en Français (pdf 530 kb)
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