The Lord’s Recovery in Bangladesh November 2021 Report

The Lord’s Recovery in Bangladesh
November 2021 Report

The Lord’s move in Bangladesh is proceeding continually.

Bro. Bimol and Ronjit in Northern area not only are preaching the gospel and baptizing people but also distributing Bibles and s- the God’s Economy – in order to establish the proper church life in that area.

They form small groups, read the Bible and spiritual books, pray, pursue and help them to fellowship.
They visited around twenty villages including Kansama, Sandopul, Roggundopul, Porasbal, Musidahat, Targa horizon.
Bro. Paul Tripura met Bro. Mose and Sis. Sanjita and visited those regions from Nov 10th to 15th.

On Nov. 14th the 30 serving ones in those region gathered and had the Meeting through Zoom.
On Nov. 15th , Bro. Paul returned to Daka and visited Saba area. Then join the meeting in church in Saba. He met Bro. Jason and Sis. Sosuma and Ozzona from Daka and had the fellowship with them. Now Bro. Paul is preaparing to preach tha gospel to the Garu community.

Bro. Paul came back to Aligotdom, his hometown and is shepherding the saints.

They arranged about 200square meters of land , they will finish the construction of 150square meters building in the end of this month and they will have the church meetings there. Bro. Paul lives with 10 young peoples and students and shepherds them in this house.

Bro.. Uzzol lives in Bandaraban, visits the surrounding areas as well as the mountainous areas there. He visits even the borders of Myanmar and preaches the gospel.

Now we lead the saints to do the morning revivals. Every morning at 6:30 , the fulltimers in Brothers and Sisters’ houses and in Daka and Chitagong, Saba, Birampul, Aligotdom, Srimongol, Ralmunihat, Bandaraban and Lajastoli regions have their morning revivals first, and then help the others to pursue and pray-read the Word.

On Fridays, we are expounding the Bible. We finished the Book of Matthew and now we start explaining the Book of John.

On Saturdays, we are preaching the words according to God’s Ordained Way.
The local fulltimers are training themselves so that they can preach the Word.

In January next year , we are planning to have a three-week training for 50 fulltimers and young people in the whole Bangladesh.

I am planning to go to Bangladesh in December, help to complete the construction of the training center accommodation building, and then meet the serving ones ,

Afterwards, i will visit the local churches and preaching the gospel.
Please pray for this.