A Report on Ministry Translation and Distribution in Africa

A Report on Ministry Translation and Distribution in Africa

Currently, there are four entities in Africa under the service of the Africa Ministry Depot (AMD) that carry out the burden of spreading the ministry, including two publication centers in the east and two in the west.

Amana Ethiopia Printing and Publishing (AEPP)

Ethiopia has more than 118 million people, seventy percent of whom are young people. Amharic is the most widely-spoken language and is also a working language. Oromo is the second most widely-spoken language, which more than forty million people speak. Currently, Amana Ethiopia Printing and Publishing is finalizing the translation and editing of two books: The All-inclusive Christ (into Amharic and Oromo) and The Knowledge of Life (into Amharic). Compared with the hunger of the young people in the country, these books will be just a crumb. We are anticipating that the Lord will gain many through these publications.

In addition, Amana Ethiopia has two social media pages and messaging groups, one for Amharic speakers and one for Oromo speakers. Each week we post a short video message in both languages as well as some daily nourishment. Currently, the posts are reaching thousands of people. Thus far, 296 people from the Amharic social media page and 200 from the Oromo page have given us their contact information for further fellowship.

source: https://newsletters.lsm.org/