LMAfrica Newsletter – West Africa Supplementary – October 2021

Newsletter Issue: October 2021 WA Supplement www.lmafrica.org
WEST AFRICA comprises 15 countries. Lampstands have been established in 6 of them (Ghana, Nigeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Sierre Leone, Togo and Benin) with 52 lampstands and approximately 2700 saints. There are also saints in Burkina Faso pursuing the ministry and our prayer is that the Lord will recover the lampstand in Liberia.

The West Africa Perfecting Training (WAPT) was previously held in Ghana for saints within the age group of 18- 45. Due to the pandemic, the training is now held online allowing saints from the ages of 17 and above to participate. A total of 247 saints from 9 countries participated in this year’s training which was held from 24 to 28 August, on the theme ‘Rise Up and Build’. The highlight of the training was that in every age God has a move and for His Move, He needs dispensational instruments (young people) with dispensational value. May the Lord produce many Ezras and Nehemiahs for His move to build up His testimony in every country and city in West Africa.

The Full-Time Training in Addis Ababa (FTTAA) in Ethiopia resumed on 16 August 2021. Eleven trainees from West Africa were preparing to travel to Addis Ababa to join the training. They come from three different West African countries: three from Ghana, six from Nigeria, and two from Benin. Of the eleven, four are sisters and seven are brothers; three of them are first-termers.

Due to the pandemic, the trainees were unable to make the journey to Addis Ababa as they can only manage to get one-month business visas from the authorities of Ethiopia during this time.

We praise the Lord for making a way for these eleven to still be gathered together to have the training in Accra, Ghana. The trainees join all the classes via Zoom and can have a training schedule that is very similar to that of the FTTAA. We are truly grateful for this opportunity that has been ordered by our Father’s hand for the trainees to gain more Christ! May the Lord cover the trainees and serving ones during the pandemic, and strengthen and supply the trainees’ tripartite being. May all the trainees gain the maximum benefit from the training for the Body. May the Lord gain more young people for the Full-Time Training in Africa.
No. of localities: 16
No. of saints in church life: 650
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 450

The churches in Nigeria have enjoyed much more fellowship this year than during any previous year due to all the virtual meetings, trainings and conferences. Participation in the seven annual feasts used to be a difficult task for the saints in Nigeria due to visa requirements. The Lord has removed this barrier. The saints in Nigeria can now participate in all conferences and trainings.

There are four trainees from Nigeria in the Full-time Training; three are in FTTAA and one in FTTP (South Africa). This opportunity for the young people to be trained is an encouragement to the young people in Nigeria. The four trainees have all completed a year of training and they are preparing for the second year.
During this time there has also been constant fellowship among the churches in West and East Africa, something which is unprecedented. West and East African responsible brothers have a bi-monthly training on the “Lessons on Eldership”. This blending is truly from the Lord.


The life-study radio seminars were put on hold due to the pandemic for most of 2020, but have been resumed since the lock down was relaxed. On 21 November 2020, we had the first post lock down radio seminar with 13 respondents/ invitees attending together with 34 saints. On 5 June 2021 we held another radio seminar with 27 respondents/ invitees and 35 saints. We touched the matter of “The Way to Fulfil God’s Purpose”. It was unveiling, rich, enlightening and satisfying to all. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen the radio work until His heart’s desire is fully accomplished in Nigeria

No. of localities: 1
No. of saints in church life: 214
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 106
Benin is a country in West Africa bordered by Togo to the west and Nigeria to the east. It covers an area of 114763 square kilometres, with a population of approximately 11 million.

Since January 2021, the saints have resumed physical gatherings including trainings for the young people, for sisters, for brothers in the coordination, and blending and gospel meetings. There were two young people’s trainings and two sisters’ trainings, plus two meetings with the brothers in the coordination, one in Bohicon and another in Abomey Calavi. Blending meetings were held in Somè and Zinkanmè.

On 17 July 2021, a gospel meeting was held in Cotonou. 44 contacts attended the meeting by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Currently we are going through the Crystallization-Study of Leviticus vol. 3. Please pray that the Lord would help us shepherd the new contacts that we made through the distribution of Bibles and ministry books. We pray that meetings can start in Cotonou and Djougou through our contacts, and that the Lord’s testimony can be raised up in Abomey Calavi.

No. of localities: 5
No. of saints in church life: 136
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 102

Togo is a country in West Africa with a surface area of 56,600 square kilometres. Despite the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the lock down has been completely lifted in the country, making it possible for the saints to meet even on the Lord’s Day. The saints hold house meetings to pray and strengthen one another, and they meet on the Lord’s Day to enjoy the unsearchable riches of Christ at the Lord’s table. Every two months, the saints in Togo have a blending meeting in a different locality. For instance, on 15 August 2021, 73 saints gathered in Agbodan to enjoy the Lord and testify the oneness of the Body of Christ.

At a time when face-to-face international conferences are impossible, the saints have been participating in international meetings and conferences through technology, and they are enjoying the Lord’s presence with other saints in the Recovery. Two brothers participated in the video training for Elders and Responsible Brothers, and two saints also attended the semiannual video training on Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The saints in Togo are strengthened and encouraged by the saints from Ghana and France through the bountiful supply of ministry books, New Testament Bibles and the Holy Word for Morning Revival.

Every Thursday, the saints go to university campuses in Togo for the free distribution of Recovery Version Bibles and ministry books. We thank the Lord for His move in Togo. A saint travelling in the northern part of the country, more precisely in the city of Bombouaka, became a channel for the Lord to recover people for His testimony in the north of the country. All the local churches in Togo are praying for this heart’s desire of the Lord to recover people for His testimony in Togo.

No. of localities: 1
No. of saints in church life: 165
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 14
Since the Abidjan conference held in September 2019, the first Lord’s table in Côte d’Ivoire was established and the brothers started to gather in the commune of Adjamé every Lord’s Day. Due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, the saints in Abidjan started to meet in three different districts on the Lord’s Day. Once a month, they gather together in Adjamé for a combined meeting. We pray that very soon the Lord will spread to the commune of Abobo in Abidjan and have a fourth district meeting there.

Since July 2021, the responsible brothers in Abidjan have been taking turns to present the ministry of the Word to the whole assembly. Starting from September 2021, a second meeting has been held during the week for the pursuing of the book “Establishing a Vital Living”. This is a compilation of messages supplied by the Body for shepherding French-speaking students.

Other than the lampstand in Abidjan, there are seekers in many other cities throughout the country: Bouaké, Korhogo, Tingrela, Soubré (Oupoyo), Touba, Man, Bocanda, Adzopé, Oumé and Niakara (Arikokaha). From 11-14 November, we plan to gather all the responsible brothers of various localities in Abidjan to have training, focusing on “The Basic Elements of Christian Life” Vol. 1, 2 and 3. We pray that the Lord can gain these localities and raise up His lampstands.

The brothers in West and East Africa have been enjoying and are being perfected from the constant speaking through the brothers in the online training from the book, “Lessons on the Eldership”. It has been a time of perfecting and a timely supply for all the responsible brothers. Since its inception in December 2020, the training has been held once every other month, with an average attendance of 184 brothers. It has also been an opportunity for the brothers in the East and West to blend in small groups after every session.

The brothers’ training has been an eye-opener to many of us to see that the Lord needs our vessels to be proper rather than doing something for Him. Our prayer is that through this training the saints will be perfected and that God will gain the barley loaf that will roll through the enemy’s camp bringing glory to God and shame to the enemy. May the Lord gain us as a group of perfected God-men that will bring Him back.

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