Prayer Burdens (2021.10.17- 2021.10.23)—Lord’s Move to Asia

Prayer Burdens (2021.10.17- 2021.10.23)
1. Pray for more saints and families to participate in the daily prayer of the brothers and the weekly prayer of the sisters, have a subjective relationship with the Lord and become functioning members in the church life.
2. Pray for the propagation in South Dhaka to be strengthened and for the saints to have the spirit of Caleb and Joshua to gain more highly-educated young people who seek the Lord purely.
1. Pray for the fall term of the FTTND, that the Lord can cover all the trainees and the serving ones so that their spirit, soul and body be preserved complete.
2. Pray for the campuses in the major cities, that the college students can have a breakthrough in the functioning of the gospel and shepherding.
Sri Lanka
1. Pray for the 845 Rhema readers who are seeking the truth and for the team to successfully contact more open seekers.
2. Pray for the translation team to be preserved in their spirit, soul and body and for their families to be blessed and covered; also pray for the saints to bear the burden and responsibility to pray, share in and offer for the translation work.