Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of October—Lord’s Move to Asia


1. Pray for the further development of the publication work so that the ministry of the New Testament can continue to be translated into the local language, and that the Russian language publications can increase and spread.

2. Pray for the furtherance of the gospel through the visitation of the overseas co-workers. They will meet with the local translators, with the new ones, and with all the saints unto the furtherance of the gospel.



Pray for the saints to receive the burden of shepherding and set their hearts on people so that everyone will have someone whom they can shepherd.



Pray for the propagation in Luang Prabang city, that the church can be established in April next year.



Pray for the saints to enter into the Crystallization-study of Joshua, Judges and Ruth and the relevant books in the Bible. May the Lord grant the saints the spirit of wisdom and revelation that all can enjoy the riches of the word of God.



Pray for the responsible brothers’ training in November that all the participants can be perfected to be pillars of the church, renewing their consecration and advancing in services.

