Report on Croatia & Serbia

Report on Croatia & Serbia

May 2021

During the pandemics the saints in Croatia and Serbia have been meeting regularly physically and via Zoom, or Google Meet. Due to the restrictions, the churches in Zagreb, Novi Sad, Hvar, Split, and Pula have been meeting in smaller groups up to five people. Sometimes even up to ten if the circumstances allowed.  The elderly and ill would join via Zoom.

The saints continued steadfastly in prayer, in the reading of the Ministry, and shepherding the few new ones who came recently into these various localities. There is a need for more blending with the rest of the saints in Central and Eastern Europe, so we would ask the Body to pray for this.

There is a new development in the city of Pula, a former Roman city with an amphitheater which began to be built in AD 2 under Augustus Octavian and was finished under Titus in AD 81, the same Titus who destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70. 

In the city of Pula. There are seven saints and six children meeting regularly in this city, with a view to have the Lord’s table in the coming year or two.

There are three lampstands in the Serbo-Croatian speaking world in three cities: Zagreb and Split in Croatia, and Novi Sad in Serbia.

Soon the saints in this region are planning to have a series of weekend Zoom webinars for readers of the free books provided by Rhema. They will contact the recipients of the seven books in all the former countries of the former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia) with a view to gain more people for the Lord’s economy and more lampstands in the area.  This covers a large area from Austria and Italy in the northwest down to Bulgaria and Greece in the southeast. 

The fellowship among the brothers and sisters who will support the webinars is very sweet and life-imparting.

May the Lord gain the Balkan peninsula for His final move to end the age and usher in His kingdom.
