Report on Ghana

Report on Ghana

There is 29 localities in Ghana , the number of  the saints in church life is 1463,and 1399 could attend the Table meeting.

Ghana Gospel Bookroom was officially registered in May 2019 and began its operations in June 2019. In December 2019, over 90000 books including 178 different titles were purchased by AMD and shipped to Ghana and are now available for sale to the saints and hungry ones through the subsidiary of AMD, the Ghana Gospel Bookroom.

The outward restriction in movement due to the pandemic opened up a new avenue for publicizing our books through online platforms. This has proven to be an even more effective mode to reach a diverse demographic of people and increase their awareness of the availability of this rich ministry.

Currently, our Facebook page is followed by over 22,000 people, who see all the updates about new book titles as they are posted every week. Videos advertising various ministry books are posted weekly to both our Facebook and Instagram pages.
