Report on Church in Hungary

May 2021

The saints in Budapest, Hungary have been endeavoring to enter into the practice of the vital groups (the ministry book by this title was also recently published in Hungarian). There have been regular prayer times in two’s and three’s for fruit-bearing and the Lord is bringing new ones into contact with the saints for shepherding. Most of the contacts are dear believers who are unsatisfied in Christianity. The saints have also been greatly encouraged by the Spring CEEB Conference, entitled The Genuine Church Life. May the Lord have His way to raise up the genuine church life in Budapest and add many more to it.

Meetings in person were resumed on Lord’s days for a few months, but stricter regulations caused the saints to have meetings online again during another pandemic wave. Throughout the time however, small groups were still allowed to meet in person. Thus, the saints are increasingly being built up through prayers by phone, small meetings in person in homes, and bigger meetings online.

In May 2021, the church in Budapest had their first video training (The Crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes). The seven saints participating in the training were filled with the enjoyment of the Lord and their enjoyment overflowed to the other saints. Three messages of the training were open meetings which the whole church watched together on three consecutive Lord’s days.
