Churches in Cameroon


comprises nine countries. Lampstands have been raised up in three of them, namely Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and the island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe. There are also saints pursuing the ministry in Burundi and the Central African Republic.


No. of localities: 4
No. of saints in church life: 219
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 105

Cameroon is situated at the crossroads between West and Central Africa, with an area of 475 442, and a population of 26 million people. The pandemic has subsided in the country and life has almost returned to normal, except for the requirement to wear face masks in some areas. The church life is also going on in all the localities. There are four cities with lampstands, plus there are gatherings in three other places. Due to distance, some saints in the church in Yaoundé, the capital, are now meeting separately, and they join the rest of the saints once a month for blending.
We praise the Lord for adding a new locality in December 2020, namely Bankim in the Adamaoua Region. The Lord moved through a brother who was forced to migrate due to the ongoing political crisis. His family partook of the Lord’s suffering in the process and this eventually brought them to Bankim. Within just about a month and half of moving, the brother spoke forth the Lord in the city and the Lord attracted some seeking ones to meet with this brother. This prompted three brothers from Yaoundé and Buea to visit there, and three new ones got baptized. Currently, three families, with their children, gather to enjoy Him.
The Lord also brought another nine seeking ones into fellowship with the saints in Bafoussam through the distribution of the ministry. They are currently enjoying the material. We thank the Lord for His rich supply through the ministry and we look to the Lord for guidance regarding the further distribution of the ministry to His seeking ones.

source:Newsletter Les Bulletins 通訊 (