Request for Prayer for Durban, South Africa

Dear Saints,

The Church in Durban, South Africa, would like to open our situation in fellowship for the prayer of the Body. 

Since the week beginning July 5th, there has been ongoing unrest in our province and city. Things escalated over this past weekend with the burning of trucks on the national highway, followed by widespread looting and violence from Sunday night (July 11th) in our city. In the neighborhood where most of the saints live, the mobs have vandalized and emptied every store. We have endured days of hearing gunshots in our neighborhood and have been concerned for the safety of the saints and of our families. 

Within the city and the province, we expect that food security is going to be an issue. Food and fuel, where available, are already being rationed. We believe it is no coincidence that there is a battle for possession of this land. The country’s infrastructure has been disrupted as major highways are blockaded. The military have been called in to protect key points, such the airport, the harbor, the law courts, the hospitals, and the fuel refineries, but they are not doing much in the way of protecting the population. The police are understaffed, and armed civilians are now patrolling their own neighborhoods. Similar incidents, but not on the same scale, have also been occurring in Johannesburg and other areas in the Gauteng province.

The churches in South Africa have been praying for 9 years for Durban, and the saints started meeting on the ground here in 2018. For the past couple of years, the saints in South Africa have also been praying strongly for the Lord to strengthen His testimony in 3 cities, these being Durban, Johannesburg, and Cape Town.

We would ask the saints to fight for this situation. These occurrences will affect the whole country and will have lasting socio-economic repercussions during a time when COVID-19 and rampant corruption have already devastated the economy. We are at a crossroads and need the saints to pray for Durban.

Please pray with us to:

  • Stand against the powers and principalities in the air over this city
  • Release the gospel
  • Preserve life in this city
  • Strengthen the testimony
  • Cover the saints in this province

The brothers in the church in Durban