The Church in Angola

Situated on the western coast of Southern Africa, Angola is the largest among the six Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa.
Through the coordination and supply of the Body, the church life in Angola was revitalised in 2015 with visiting saints coming from Brazil and South Africa. Some saints started to travel and participate in regional conferences as well as short-term trainings in Pretoria, South Africa. In March 2020, a brother who had recently graduated from the Full-Time Training in Pretoria (FTTP) returned to Angola. He is now serving in Uige, the locality with the largest number of saints gathering in Angola. This has been an encouragement and strengthening to the saints in Angola. At present two brothers have the desire to join the Full-Time Training in Caacupé, Paraguay. Please pray that their visas will be released.
During the pandemic, we received the burden to join the global prayer for 30 days. We tried to overcome technical difficulties due to Internet and device limitations. Eventually we made use of Google Hangouts, which was a more viable and economical option for the saints, but only up to 10 saints could pray together online. In order to overcome this limitation we had the feeling to group 10 to 15 brothers in a house in order to pray, despite the restrictions imposed by the Government on physical gatherings. After the initial 30 days, the prayer burden was extended for another 30 days. Afterwards, the saints in Uige had the burden to continue the daily prayer. This has continued and currently the saints are still praying unceasingly. Such a prayer life
has brought in many blessings. We have witnessed an increase in the number of saints coming into the church life. During this period more than 30 new ones have been baptized. In addition, the Lord has raised up gatherings of believers in two neighboring cities, Maquela and Bungo. May such blessings continue to abound and to flow to other cities in Angola, in particular to the capital city Luanda.