Prayer Burdens (2021.6.27- 2021.7.3)
Pray for the shepherding of the new ones; may they grow in Him through the apostle’s teaching and function organically in the Body for His building.
1. Pray for the spiritual atmosphere of the online perfecting meetings to be strengthened and for more saints to join this meeting and be perfected in truth.
2. Pray for the visas to be released for the saints.
Pray for the saints to have a normal church life online and feed people wisely during the pandemic.
Pray for the saints to preach the gospel steadfastly, shepherding the new ones and bringing more seekers into the church life so that the church may increase and multiply.
Pray for the responsible brothers to be released from being occupied by their jobs and be constituted with the truth, so that they can be perfected to become pillars and valuable vessels.
Pray for the distribution of 7 Rhema e-books, that the gospel of the kingdom can be spread to all Vietnamese-speaking people and the word of the ministry can be supplied to the seeking Christians.