LMAfrica Newsletter June 2021

Bi-monthly Newsletter Issue: June 2021 www.lmafrica.org
EAST AFRICA – In this issue, we will be giving an update regarding the Lord’s move in three countries in this part of the continent: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. We thank the Lord that the restrictions from the pandemic have gradually been lifted, and the Lord is now able to move unhindered.
No. of localities: 8
No. of saints in church life: 1547
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 547
All the saints and churches in Ethiopia are doing well. Currently we have freedom to conduct all our meetings physically, as there is no restriction on religious gatherings. In the capital city, Addis Ababa, we gather in four districts for the Lord’s table and prophesying meetings. All four districts meet together for the prayer meeting. The saints also gather regularly for various kinds of service coordination.
We are grateful to the Lord for the supply from the Body. We are enjoying the Lord’s blessing through His speaking in the 7 feasts and the Holy Word for Morning Revival after the feasts. Since the pandemic started we have been able to attend all the 7 feasts and dive into the speaking again using the Holy Word for Morning Revival. We are also able to attend the biannual conferences which used to be held in Ethiopia in April and December each year prior to the pandemic. Besides these events the Lord has blessed us with two other conferences with the coworkers. We have also had various trainings for elders and responsible brothers either via Zoom or physically.
Praise the Lord that as the word of God has grown, the number of the disciples in Ethiopia has multiplied greatly! In February 2021, a new locality in the city of Jimma was raised up and In April 2021 another church in the city of Hosaena was raised up. Jimma is a city in the south west and Hosaena is in the south. Both cities have big universities and a population of over 200,000 each.

First Lord’s table meeting in Jimma (Feb. 2021)

First Lord’s table meeting in Hosaena (Apr. 2021)

Full-time Training Addis Ababa (FTTAA)

Beginning in 2016, 30 saints in Ethiopia consecrated themselves to begin having full-time pursuing together in Addis Ababa. A year later, the number who participated in the pursuing increased to 46 saints. In view of the need and in the fellowship of the Body, the Full-time Training in Addis Ababa (FTTAA) was established in 2019.
Praise the Lord that after having a glorious time in the training, the first class of FTTAA graduates finished the two-year training victoriously and graduated on 1 June 2021. There were a total of 23 graduates: 2 from Ghana, 1 from Angola, 1 from Zimbabwe, and 19 from Ethiopia.

No. of localities: 4
No. of saints in church life: 200
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 150
We have resumed physical meetings in all areas, including Nairobi, Kisumu, Matungu and Kakamega. Prior to the outbreak of the pandemic, saints especially in Nairobi picked up the burden to contact students in the University of Nairobi. All learning institutions were closed subsequently but they have just been re-opened partially. We pray that the campuses will be fully open soon and that we can resume our labor on campuses not only in Nairobi but also in other areas.
Praise the Lord for His move in the new cities/areas in Kenya: Nakuru, Naivasha, Kissii, Busia, Lodwar, Machakos, Samburu, Kitale and Oyugis.These areas have a combined number of 155 saints who are currently meeting regularly. From 25-27 June, we plan to have a three-day meeting with the seekers in these areas. We pray that the Lord will prepare the key vessels in these areas for raising up His shining lampstands eventually.
The saints in Kenya have been participating in online international trainings and conferences. In one new city (Lodwar) five saints have been enjoying these feasts virtually even though we have never visited them physically. From their prophesying one can tell that the Lord is moving into this city. Christ is gaining these ones for His move. We can testify that the saints have been greatly helped by His up-to-date speaking to His Body..
No. of localities: 1
No. of saints in church life: 66
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 40

Prior to the COVID-19 lockdown, the campus work had really been enjoying the Lord’s blessing. After the lockdown, a number of students have still been meeting in small online groups and over the phone. Unfortunately, the lease of the campus apartment which was used to shepherd these young ones was cancelled due to the Covid-19 restrictions. Please pray that these young ones can continue steadfastly in pursuing Him under the current restrictions.

The saints are burdened to proclaim the truth and spread the ministry to the hungry ones in Uganda. A pallet of books has been sent from the United Kingdom to Kampala. We are awaiting clearance from the customs office, and are considering the channels to distribute the books.

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