The Church in Kelaniya(Sri Lanka)

The Church in Kelaniya

The Church in Kelaniya started with a pastor who led a free group. Three years ago, when the church in Gampaha was established, he sent someone to attend our meeting to find out about our teaching. After two years of observation, he became totally subdued by the truths in the Lord’s recovery. Starting in the year before last, three brothers from Biyagama regularly contacted and fellowshipped with him. Then beginning in last July, these three brothers started to attend meetings of this free group every Lord’s Day afternoon to share the truths with them. This pastor was very much convinced with the truths and encouraged his congregation to read the Holy Word for Morning Revival, our ministry books, and especially the book “The Economy of God”. Last October, we held a special conference for the seeking ones. The believers that came were all surprised by the truths among us that they had never heard before; they were very convinced. In November, the brothers started a morning revival group to take care of the seekers. Every morning about 10 saints would get on the phone with the brothers. They learned how to be revived every morning, call on the name of the Lord, pray-read and speak the word. Currently there are about 25 saints meeting in Kaleniya. Last year the brothers felt that the time was ripe, and on December 27, the church in Kelaniya was raised up.

source : Newsletters | Lord’s Move to Asia (