LMAfrica Newsletter(1)—South Africa

No. of localities: 10
No. of saints in church life: 500
No. of saints attending the Table meeting: 350

As mentioned in the August 2020 newsletter, we in South Africa are still focused on strengthening the Lord’s existing testimony in 3 strategic cities — Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. The population in these three cities combined is estimated at more than 12 million people. We believe that churches in each of these cities should be made up of at least 200 saints meeting regularly. What follows is a brief report from each of these localities.

Approximately 70 saints meet together as the church in Cape Town including children and young people in 2 districts. Some are breaking bread in the homes while others continue to meet on Zoom. There are also a number of saints meeting regularly in the town of Stellenbosch, close to Cape Town, who also join the Cape Town meetings. Furthermore there are about 11 saints who live further away from Cape Town who try to join the meetings and who are visited regularly by the saints

In 2020 the student work at the University of Cape Town suffered greatly during the lock-down. Online meetings between the serving ones and students, however, gave us the opportunity to labour together nationally in the Body. In 2021, most students are required to be physically present at the university again and we have started to receive small groups of students into the homes of the saints. A group of core students are emerging to pick up the burden for their campus. With the support of the full-timers they are endeavouring to pray and work together to reach other students at the university. We are also grateful for the addition of a home near the UCT campus after the recent migration of a couple from Pretoria.

Due to the pandemic, the children’s meetings also changed from physical to virtual meetings. The children have been enjoying these times and have been inviting their friends to join. They were also able to attend via Zoom an international Bible camp, the European Young People’s conference and an ongoing national weekly young people’s prophesying meeting.

For Prayer
  • That the brothers taking the lead will be released to pray, fellowship, and coordinate to be built up and blended together.
  • That the saints would be built up in their faith and grow in life and not be content to remain in their current experience of Christ.
  • That despite living very far apart geographically the saints would endeavour to enter into the God-ordained way through a house-to-house church life by being blended together to be living and active.
  • Source:LMAfrica Newsletter May 2021