Report on the Africa Weekend Conference, December 2020

Travelling within the African continent physically is a difficult task, more so for Africans due to the complicated visa processes, high visa fees, poor flight or other transport networks etc. Saints in different regions (West Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa) regularly hold regional blending, permissible under the sovereign regional governmental arrangements. However, the thought that one day the saints all over the African continent could gather and blend together seemed hitherto a distant dream.

Praise the Lord that the Covid-19 pandemic opened up an unprecedented way for the saints in Africa to gather through online means. The Africa Weekend Conference for the Eastern part of Africa was held on the weekend of 19-20 December 2020 and for the Western part of Africa on the weekend of 26-27 December 2020. During both these two-day conferences, four messages were presented concerning “The Will of God – One Person, One Way, and One Goal”. The will of God is one person, one way and one goal. The All-inclusive Christ is the unique person, who is versus all things that are not Christ. The will of God is also the cross, which is versus all ways. Everything that is not Christ, including culture and ordinances, must go to the cross. The goal of Christ, the goal of the cross, the consummation of the will of God, is the church as the Body of Christ expressed in many localities. How blessed are our ears to hear these words. Through the speaking, we must know what the Lord’s commission to us is in this age – to recover Christ as everything to us for His expression. May we pray a big prayer, “Lord, fill Africa with golden lampstands”.

Before each message, brothers from different localities prayed for the meeting in different African languages. After the messages, saints from different localities took turn to overflow their enjoyment. It is not easy to estimate the number of participants joining the fellowship, as in some localities groups of saints and even the whole church gathered together. We praise the Lord for His perfect will to advance in the African continent and bring us closer toward the unique goal of this age. May the Lord continue to open the way for more blending among the churches in Africa.
