Dear Training Coordinators,
Due to the likelihood that various government mandates regulating and restricting public gatherings because of COVID-19 will be extended, Living Stream Ministry has decided that the July 2021 Semiannual Training will not be held corporately as a live training in Anaheim, CA. Instead, the churches will be able to participate in the July 2021 Semiannual Training by video training only.
Attached to this email is the registration information and instructions for carrying out the video training. We understand that the attached document contains a lot of information; however, we would strongly recommend that the training coordinators and leading ones in the churches read through the information carefully.
A few points to note:
- The registration due date is June 21, 2021.
- Although the video training messages for the July 2021 Semiannual Training are available for the saints to watch individually in their homes, or corporately via Zoom or other similar platform, the video training should still be conducted by the responsible ones in the churches according to a designated schedule. The responsible ones in each locality should fellowship and schedule specific dates and times that the video training messages should be watched just as they have for past video trainings. Saints should not be allowed to view the messages according to their personal schedule.
Additional information concerning the above points and more can be found in the attached document. Please read and respond on or before the due date.
Registration for the video training will be available online as usual at If you attempt to register online and are unable to remember your user name and password, please contact the LSM Registration Section at If you prefer to submit a hard copy of the semiannual training registration forms, you may send them by mail to 2431 W. La Palma Ave. Anaheim, CA 92801 Attn: Registration Section. Semiannual Training registration forms may also be sent by fax to: 714-236-6005 or by email to Please be sure that forms sent by email, fax, or mail are sent in time to arrive on or before June 21, 2021. Registration forms received after June 21 will not be accepted.
May we all exercise to maintain a high training atmosphere in our localities for the receiving of the Lord’s up-to-date word. Pray for the speaking brothers that the burden of this semiannual training may be fully released.
In Christ,
Living Stream Ministry
Registration Section