The Message below Concerning Brother Peter Chen

The message below concerning Brother Peter Chen is from the co-workers in Taiwan.

Dear brothers,

Brother Peter Hung-chun Chen had a fall at home in the early morning of August 6 (Thursday), and was immediately sent to Shin Kong Hospital in his neighborhood. He was diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke in the right side of the brain combined with weakness in his left limbs. There was no loss of consciousness and his vital signs were stable. Bleeding occurred at the right basal ganglia and intraventricular blood clots were located. During the 72-hour critical period, Brother Chen was in the intensive care unit for observation. The saints prayed earnestly that the Lord, for His own interest, would preserve Brother Chen so that bleeding in his brain would be under control, his condition would not worsen, and the blood clots would be absorbed efficiently. While Brother Chen was in the intensive care unit, one responsible brother accompanied his family members to visit him every morning during the visitation period and prayed for him.

After the three-day critical period, Brother Chen was transferred to the general ward on August 11 (Tuesday) for continual observation and follow-up treatment. Rehabilitation of his left limbs began. A 24-hour male caregiver experienced in caring for stroke patients was hired for him. At this stage, Brother Chen will receive physical therapy from 10:00 to 11:00 in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, and occupational therapy from 13:30 to 14:30 in the afternoon on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, so that his speech and swallowing ability will also improve. He will stay in the hospital for one month under the care of the medical team. May the Lord grant our dear brother a speedy recovery and continue to use him as a channel of His grace for the shepherding of His sheep and the building up of the church.

Thank you, brothers, for your care and intercession.