

Chinese-speaking Conference in Paris 

2020年9月18-20号 (18-20 September 2020)


Living the christian life under the government of
God to experience Christ and grow in life for God’s building






9月18日 (周五) 

晚上19:30-21:00: 第一篇信息

9月 19 日 (周六)

早上8:30-10:00  : 第二篇信息​

早上10:30-12:00: 第三篇信息

下午15:00-16:30: 第四篇信息

9月20 日 (主日)

早上9:30-11:00  : 第五篇信息 

早上11:00-12:00: 关于主在欧洲当前行动的特别交通


We praise the Lord for His continued shepherding of the saints in Europe, especially the Chinese-speaking saints, through the two annual Chinese-Speaking Conferences in London and Paris.

The Lord’s Move in Europe is advancing rapidly, according to His desire to obtain the reality of the New Man. The Chinese Speaking Conference is not intended only for the Chinese-speaking saints, but to be a part of the building up of the entire Body of Christ.

Therefore, for this conference, we are taking particular care to provide a very high-quality translation so that the French and English speaking saints will be able to listen to the messages as if they were spoken in their language. Our hope is that this will allow us to overcome any language barrier and rejoice together in the Word that the Lord desires to speak to His Body.

Schedule (CEST)

Friday, September 18th

19:30-21:00: Message 1

Saturday, September 19th
08:30-10:00: Message 2
10:30-12:00: Message 3
15:00-16:30: Message 4

Sunday, September 20th
09:30-11:00: Message 5
11:00-12:00: Special fellowship

注册 (Registration)


We encourage everyone to register before 6th September

弟兄 (Brother)

姊妹 (Sister)