Update on Oak Glen Conference Center


Dear saints,

Thank you for your prayers and concern for the conference center at Oak Glen.  The following is a brief update of the situation for your continued prayers.

On Tuesday, August 4 the prevailing wind kept the fire from advancing directly towards the conference center.  The fire is moving up the far side of a ridge line that is between us and the fire.  When the winds shift or die down the fire does creep slowly towards the direction of our property.  Two hot spot crews from the forest fire service worked throughout the night to clear a fire line at the edge of our property.  There were also an additional 3 fire trucks with crews on our grounds to protect the buildings.  

This morning a marine layer and humidity have helped to slow the spread of the fire.  The fire service estimates that the fire is 20% contained  Today the breeze has continued towards the south east which helps to slow the spread of the fire in our direction.  The fire service has informed us that they will keep 3-4 fire trucks and crews on our property for another 24 hours.  An adverse shift in the direction of the wind would cause the fire to reach the conference center in a short period of time.  

Please continue to pray for the Lord’s continued protection of the conference center, the fire crews and the Oak Glen community and that He would cause the winds to be favorable for the fire to be fully contained and put out.

The brothers serving with the Southern California Blending Center.