Prayer Burdens for the 2020 North America College Training

  1. Pray that the trainees would pray prayers like Samuel’s mother, Hannah, which echo the heart’s desire of God, and that they would become desperately burdened not only to be today’s Samuels, but also to bring forth a spiritual child.
  2. Pray that the trainees would offer themselves to be today’s Nazarites, as Samuel was—ones who would be voluntarily sanctified and separated to God for His purpose by enjoying Christ as the unique Nazarite in their spirit.
  3. Pray that the trainees would respond to God’s call to be His faithful priests, as Samuel was—ones who open themselves to the Lord and let Him fill them, saturate them, and be one with them so that through them He would have a way to turn the age.
  4. Pray that the trainees would respond to God’s call to be His prophets, as Samuel was—ones who speak for God and speak forth God to dispense Him to others for the building up of the church.
  5. Pray that the trainees would respond to God’s call to be men of prayer, as Samuel was—ones who cooperate with God to pray for the accomplishment of His will on earth for the turning of the age.
  6. Pray that the Lord would raise up many who would answer His demands and care for Him and His needs so that He may have a way to come in and turn this age of procedures into the age of His heart’s desire.
  7. Pray that the Lord would gain a proper response to His Word from each trainee, and that His speaking to each trainee would continue to operate effectually in their lives in the days, months, and years after this training.
