Lord’s Move to Asia—Prayer Burdens (2020.7.5- 2020.7.11)

Prayer Burdens (2020.7.5- 2020.7.11)

1. To strengthen the saints to live a regular and normal church life with daily enjoyment of Christ in a limited environment that they may have a spiritual and overcoming life to build up the Body of Christ.
2. To preach the gospel during the outbreak; may the Lord raise up more saints to participate in gospel preaching through the Internet so that more key persons and key families can be gained.

Sri Lanka
1. For the Co-worker s’ Training in Kandy 7/7-7/10 that the responsible ones would enter into the speaking of the ministry and be able to reach the goal of raising up 7 churches this year.
2. For the National Blending Conference 8/1-8/3 that all the saints would enjoy the Lord’s timely speaking.

For the Ethiopia group to stably enjoy the word of ministry and meeting with the serving ones; may the Lord open their eyes and touch them through the word that they can be kept in the right way.
