【June 2020 Quarterly update】

【June 2020 Quarterly update】

At Bibles for America, we are continuing to pray for our nation during this time of distress and uncertainty. We hope that many would draw near to God and find true peace and rest in His Word.

We would like to sincerely thank you for your generous outpouring of support over the past several months. We are grateful for your commitment to spreading God’s Word to our fellow Americans during this time.

Reaching people with God’s Word during quarantine

Compared to the first half of 2019, we have given away more Bibles per month in 2020. Even though we have not been able to prepare and ship the Bibles as regularly as usual due to COVID-19 restrictions, it is clear that during these unprecedented times, more and more people are searching for God. The response from recipients has demonstrated how the Word of God is meeting their need:

Thank you so much. I so hope and pray to have the Word of God in my hands at all times now during these horrible times. You gave me so much hope. —Sarah

There has also been unprecedented engagement with the content on our social media channels. We have launched several interactive campaigns during the stay-at-home period, such as asking our followers “What’s your favorite Bible verse?” Verses came pouring in from people all over the country. We have also led Bible-reading challenges to read a chapter of the Bible each day. These campaigns have contributed to our gaining over 1,000 new followers on Instagram over the past several months. Our posts on Facebook have also been seen by more people than ever before, with one of them reaching more than 24,000 people!

There has also been an increase in emails responding to our blog posts, particularly recent ones discussing the assurance and security of salvation. In response to our post The Danger of Thinking You Can Lose Your Salvation, people wrote to us from around the world, thanking us for the help it rendered them in their Christian walk.

I’m happy to hear this. I was battling within myself but I thank you for assuring me that God is full of mercy and will always forgive our sins. I’m blessed and assured that I’m still saved because of the blood of Jesus Christ. —Carolyne

Record monthly traffic
We have had a growing number of website visitors over the last several years, but this year we have seen a very large increase in our online engagement. So far, the number of website visitors in 2020 have far exceeded those in 2019, especially in April and May.

New gospel page: Share the Good News

Now more than ever, we strongly feel that the gospel of Jesus Christ needs to be spread to people everywhere who are struggling and searching for peace and truth. To that end, in April we launched a new page called Share the Good News, which showcases all our existing gospel materials, including digital tracts, videos, blog posts, and a podcast episode. Each item on the page can be easily shared with anyone via text message, email, or social media.

Our most popular materials related to salvation are our videos, which have been viewed on Instagram over 15,000 times. We are continuing to make more gospel videos in order to reach an even wider audience. We just released a new video called Jesus: The Solution to Our Real Problem, which is based on our tract called Only Jesus Can Heal You.

Gospel.bfa.org is a wonderful resource for sharing the gospel in a widespread way with family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors. We pray that the good news of the gospel of Christ will reach many who are seeking the meaning of their human life.

Thank you again for all your support. May God’s Word continue to spread throughout this country and meet people’s real need.
