The church in Richmond
Over the years, there have been many saints living and meeting together in Richmond. In 2011, a concerted effort was made through GTCA to establish and strengthen the church in Richmond. It paved the way for more saints to migrate into the area, with one couple in particular moving into a house right next to the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The church has been meeting in this house since then. In 2019, the church in Richmond officially purchased this property, and it is now not only the meeting place of the church, but also a brothers’ house and the base of operations for the campus work. On the Lord’s day, there are roughly 47 saints meeting, including 10 children and seven young people. Currently, most of the saints are clustered in the suburbs around the city, particularly in Glen Allen and Chester. In fall 2019, four saints began serving full-time on the campus at VCU. There is an on-campus Bible study on Tuesday afternoons in the student commons, as well as a college meeting with dinner and fellowship on Thursday nights at the campus house. Prior to the arrival of the full-time team, there was a Christians on Campus club, but there were only one or two students consistently meeting. However, in the first semester having a team, the Lord increased that number to about 24 students meeting consistently in either appointments or meetings.