【2020 GTCA City — St. Louis, MO】

The church in St. Louis
The saints began to meet in St. Louis in the 1960s and took the ground on May 18, 2003. Today, approximately 70 gather on Lord’s Day mornings, including approximately six young people and 14 children. About 20 saints attend the weekly prayer meetings. Additional meetings include a neighborhood children’s meeting on Mondays, a young people’s meeting on Saturdays, and two group meetings focused on college students on Fridays (English-speaking and Chinese-speaking). There are five group meetings, including a community meeting with local Christians on
Wednesdays. The racial composition of the church is mainly Asian, with a small number of White, African, and Hispanic saints.
The church in St. Louis is endeavoring to build up the church in truth, life, gospel and service, as well as laboring on the children, students (young people and college-age), and community. The church is endeavoring to build up the organic structure of the church through vital living, vital groups, and small groups, and is looking to the Lord for additional strengthening of the leadership and more shepherding saints to join us as patterns of the flock.
The burden of the college work is to gain typical Missourians at the University of Missouri–St. Louis (UMSL) and to care for the saints attending Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) and Saint Louis University (SLU). The saints have recently had Bible distributions on these three campuses, and the greatest response has been from UMSL.


source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/posts/3230071897014702