【Be Steadfast | Testimonies of Saints Living the Church Life Online】 已发表 2020-06-01 Source:https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/videos/1879676508829238/
已发表 2018-11-10 【 刘遂「《两阶段的人生》 ─ 主内周刘代萱姊妹安息聚会」】花莲市召会 【 “Two Stages of Life”–Memorial Meeting for Sister Zhou Liudaixuan】Spoken by Liu Suey | The Church in Hualien City 主內 周劉代萱姊妹安息聚會 2018.1 […]
已发表 2020-05-09 【Good news】There is a new Facebook page for the sharing of the gospel in South Asia. 【Good news】There is a […]