【Users’ Guideline for Online Gospel】

For the practice of the saints, the church provides an user’s guideline for online gospel. May all the saints rise up to practice. May God bless His church.

Step 1: Pray for the gospel. May we be filled with the burden of the gospel and establish a gospel living.

Step 2: Make a list of gospel friends. We recommend three to five on the list.

Step 3: Send a gospel video every week (not too many). At the same time, write a short greeting. For example: “Mr. Cai, I’d like to share a video with you. I enjoyed it very much and I hope you can set aside three minutes (depending on the length of the video) to watch it. Have a nice day. (John Zhang)”

Step 4: Eight weeks later, a total of eight gospel videos were sent out. We will invite gospel friends to participate in an online Gospel meeting which is held by the church. There are hymns, messages, testimonies, and concluding prayers. (Details will be announced)

Concerning the gospel video, the church has an online gospel group, which regularly share online gospel videos for the saints, both in Chinese and English. These videos have been filtered, suitable and highly effective. Saints just forward it to our friends accordingly.

Gospel video sample: https://youtu.be/YJNkfjDSBY0
( The Church in Kuching )

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/posts/3104807042874522