【The Online Gospel Series of “Science and Faith” Seminars — Hong Kong】
Due to the recent epidemic situation, the series of “Science and Faith” seminars in the HKUST district of the church in Hong Kong has changed from live to online this semester.

In the first online seminar, we only opened a Zoom meeting account that can accommodate 100 people. Since there were more than 90 participants after the meeting, we then fellowshipped to expand the maximum number of people in Zoom in order to not restrict the Lord’s move. The Lord expanded our capacity and has added more numbers to us. Thank the Lord, we have had four seminars so far in this semester. The number of participants has ranged from over a hundred to over two hundred, from over two hundred to over three hundred. In the latest seminar, nearly 450 saints and gospel friends were online to participate! We truly thank, praise and worship His way.

By meeting online, people are not limited by space. As long as they are willing, they can participate in the Bible seminars online, that the gospel of kingdom can be spread to the inhabited earth through modern internet technology.

In such a restricted condition, the brothers and sisters also see the need to spread the gospel, the flame of the gospel is burning. Full-time trainees, serving ones, students, young working saints, and professors take action and forward the invitation card to invite classmates, colleagues, friends and family members to come and know the word of God. There was a student who did not have much burden for the gospel in the beginning, but she was moved after hearing to repay the debt of the gospel. She invited more than 30 students and teachers to participate in the online seminar, and many of them expressed their willingness to continue to participate in such Bible seminars. In addition, many young working saints also invited their family members and colleagues to attend, later feedbacks show that they were interested in the Lord. They began to participate in small group meetings and other seminars, and were willing to be contacted and shepherded by the saints.

The way of the Lord is higher than our way. The current situation is different from the live meetings in the past, the saints are no longer limited by time and space. As long as there is an internet connection, the saints can participate in various online meetings. Besides, everyone puts forth their own portion of function, inviting others for meetings or sharing video clips. During this turning point, may the Lord continue to lead His Body to advance, continue to add the blessings of begetting to all of His churches, and may we be able to act accord to His move, become His stepping-stone, so that His economy can be accomplished.
