Brothers, we thank the Lord for His care and supply to the saints here during this time of the pandemic. All the saints are pressing on well in all the areas we meet and so far none has been infected with this virus. During this time of the pandemic, the saints have continuously looked to the Lord most of them fully participating in the 21 days watchman prayer.
We have followed the churches in the Lord’s Recovery and we meet virtually for all our meeting meetings especially in urban areas. As for Nairobi, We have divided ourselves into 4 groups and so the meetings are going on though we have challenges connecting with all the saints. We are however constantly seeking how to improve on
this, specifically on the best way to care for those in faraway areas and those without the gadgets.
In areas out of Nairobi, Saints are continuing steadfastly to meet physically in the homes (of course strictly observing the health regulations) and in small numbers because of poor Network coverage and also because of the government restrictions. They meet in groups of 5 or so to pray and fellowship in the word. In some of these areas, we have seen saints who have not been coming to the meetings start fellowshipping again. Glory be to the Lord.
We are greatly thankful to the saints for all the prayers during this time.
In Total up to today 19th April, Kenya has 262 cases of COVID-19 with 12 deaths.
Prayer Burdens
1. Kindly pray for us that all the saints would be properly shepherded during this time.
2. Just before the outbreak, We had contacted new ones in three areas. Pray that these ones would not be frustrated in following the Lord but that they would keep looking to Him.
3. We had also done some book distribution. Please pray that those who have the books in their hands would be lead to read some portions of the Ministry for their enjoyment as they stay in their homes.
The brothers in Kenya