【London Online Spring Conference 2020】

The Virtual Conference on “Prayers and the Lord’s Move” (2012 Thanksgiving Conference) conducted from April 10-13. The study group time today will be special – an overflow meeting for all participants, with views of saints from different countries, and testimony from one saint in each. All info are in https://www.churchinlondon.org.uk/conference.

We have participants from continents and countries. Besides Europe, there are USA, Africa, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, etc. At least 1200.

The technology is Zoom’s webinar, not a Zoom meeting. So only the panelists can be seen by all. The video is direct from lsmwebcast.com and it is very good, hardly any sync problem with audio. We can let saints into the screen by selection – last night about 10 were brought in for sharing. According to experience from Virtual Univ Conference, playing video in a zoom meeting for 40 participants and above will see degradation.

We learned from the Virtual European Univ Conference to enable this event.
