【Fellowship for Establishing and Maintaining a Healthy Book Service】 已发表 2020-04-15 source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/posts/3039748062713754
已发表 2020-07-28 7/27/20- 8/2/20 International Prayer Burdens (Pray for one country each day) 7/27/20- 8/2/20 Intern […]
已发表 2024-02-12 A Best Illustration of the Blending of the Entire Body of Christ through the Present Speaking of the Ministry of the Age—2024 ICSC- Taipei with Church Visiting 一个最好的例证,说明借着时代职事现今的说话带进基督身体整体的相调——2024 年国际华语特会及访问众召会 一个最好的例证,说明借着时代职事现今的说话带 […]