【Saints Are Meeting in the Homes — Kenya】

Brothers, we thank the Lord for your concern.
All the saints in Kenya are fine. None has been caught up in the current situation so we are all preserved at least for now. We have followed the churches in the Lord’s Recovery and we meet virtually for all our meetings. As for Nairobi, We have divided ourselves into 3 groups and so the meetings are going on though we have challenges connecting with all the saints. We are however constantly seeking how to improve on this, specifically on the best way to care for those without smartphones, etc. Amen.

In other areas of the country, saints are meeting in the homes but up to the family level because of poor network coverage and other limitations. Of course, the government has banned all forms of gatherings.

We are greatly thankful to the saints for all the prayers. Bro Jerusalem had a fellowship with us a week ago, I think he is in Far East, and the saints have dispatched 3 cartons of masks for the saints in Kenya. This is wonderful and a real shepherding to us. We should receive them in a couple of days. We are very thankful, brother.

Kenya as a whole up to today has 184 reported cases and 6 deaths. The government is trying to do what they can to limit it. Of course, economically things have slowed down completely. Things are hard and this is universally I think so that we can all learn to look to the Lord and contact the Lord even more. Amen.
