Currently, there are about 1397 saints in Ghana with 28 localities taking the Lord’s Table and 29 places where saints meet but without the table meeting.
The first case of COVID-19 was recorded on March 12. Following the increase in the number of positive cases, the government was compelled to direct a partial lockdown of Greater Accra and Kumasi for 2 weeks to contain the spread of the Pandemic. The president in his address to the nation yesterday, 9th April extended the lockdown by a week. The coordinating brothers in Ghana fellowshipped, they decided that all our meetings be suspended following government directives. The brothers also encouraged the saints to continue meeting using every available means of technology. Currently, saints are meeting using virtual means and through conference calls in groups and by family units.
This lockdown, on one hand, is increasing our hidden life with the Lord, releasing the function of many saints in the various groups and doing a building work indirectly. It is recovering dormant saints back to the fellowship, releasing more fellowship among the responsible brothers in caring for the saints.
Through the fellowship in the Body, a saint supplied 8500 facemasks, which were distributed among the various localities.
We are so grateful to the Lord; we praise Him for His keeping mercy and the petitions in the Body.
Please, continue to pray for the churches in Ghana, for the Lord to gain more Ghanaians to repent through the ministry books, which were, distributed (125,499 books), be enlightened and gain many sons of peace for His purpose.
May the saints be sanctified, preserved, built up, that all the members be brought into function and recover the dormant saints for His Testimony.