【Virtual Joint Lord‘s Table with All Russian-speaking Saints】

We had this virtual joint Lord’s table for all the saints in the Russian speaking world. At one point we had about 2,100 computers online. We believe that some computers represented more than one saint, maybe two or three. So we believe the number of the ones watching this Lord’s table was about three of four thousand people.

This meeting was divided into two parts. During the first part, three brothers spoke the word. The first one spoke on the meaning of the Lord’s table, the second one spoke on the need to obey the laws of the government related to the quarantine, and the third one spoke on the need for blending. This part was broadcasted over YouTube. One brother connected his Zoom to YouTube. So these three brothers connected to his Zoom and he showed it to all the saints.

Then we had a second part to this meeting. The saints all connected to one Zoom meeting and they were divided into a number of “rooms” with 20 or 25 saints each. They had the overflow. All the saints testified that they had a wonderful experience. We hope to do it once in while again.
