We are about 15 saints gather together in the Lord’stable meeting in Copenhagen regularly, including 4 saints from Lund in the southen Sweden.
Denmark closed it’s borders the 13. March. From the 14. March we started our meetings on line.
The saints here are all well under the Lord’s covering. Right now one of our brother is staying in Romania, but he is maintaining participating in the Copenhagen brothers weekly fellowship online. We are also meeting online for Lord’s table meeting and prayer meeting. An encouraging fact is there are more saints participating prayer meeting than before due to the online arrangement, more than double! And there are saints joining overseas in these meetings from time to time. Praise the Lord for such a way for the blending in the Body! In addition, some saints are fellowshipping weekly with those in church in Uppsala, Sweden during the ministry meeting based on the online format. And most of the saints who gather in Copenhagen are answering the global call of 21 days prayer to pray steadfastly individually or in a small group for the burden released each day. In a word, saints are watchful and become more connected in these days.