【SRI LANKA — Online Watchman‘s Prayer Groups Are Urgently Needed】

As the pandemic progressed worse and worse, the quarantine continues here, its end will be temporarily on hold. Taiwan has become the safest and freest pure land in the world. But living in peace requires much disaster preparedness, need to save up for rainy days. The church must quickly lead all the responsible brothers to push for further education in all the districts, on how to get all the saints into small groups. For example, 5-10 people per group, practice how to meet online, the whole church needs to be in 500 small groups, in order to take care of everyone. So far, using the past main deacon to push for it is not enough, which is why the co-workers, the elders, responsible one of the big district, responsible ones of a district must act together, only then it is possible. Now what needs to be pushed fast is the online prayer watch small groups, Kaohsiung should have five hundred online prayer groups, praying in one accord daily. The entire world is facing an unprecedented crisis, if the church does not rise up to pray, it is not worth existing, for prayer and the gospel is the church’s earthly commission. May the brothers be lead in the mingled spirit, have more fellowship, pursuit, burden and leading on this matter, that the church would not just be preserved, but can positively pursue, to understand God’s desire, be according to God’s desire.
