【Church Life in CDO(Cagayan De Oro) in the Midst of COVID-19】

From the books of 1 and 2 Peter, we realized that we all are stewards of the varied grace of God as sojourners of this earth living the christian life under the government of God. He allows us to pass through various trials to prove our faith which is much more precious than that of Gold, Who after we suffered awhile strenghten settle and ground us. We just have to cast our anxieties on Him for He cares for us. While we are suffering He also provides us all things that relate to life and Godliness that we maybe transformed and built up as spiritual house and as a holy priesthood, for His purpose, unto the rich entrance into His eternal kingdom. We also have His prophetic words made more firm which we do well to take heed as to a lump shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the Lord as the morning star shines in our hearts.

Here in the Church in Cagayan de Oro City we felt to take care of the practical matters of the needy saints since many of them can not go to work, hence have no income. We also encouraged the saints to pursue the Lord more through His word, the ministry, and in prayers, both individually or with others. We have our Lord’s table meeting house to house and morning revival or group meetings through the internet.

May the Lord bless us to love Him, fear Him, care for His tender feelings and live in oneness with Him for the acomplishing of His economy on the earth.

Lastly, pray for us also, specially since some saints are in the medical field and serve as frontliners. Amen.
