Some of the Indonesian churches, particularly in Java Island in the major capital city are switched their lord’s table meeting from the meeting hall to homes. Such as Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang.

So far no Saints got corona, in Indonesia.

May the Lord preserve all the saints.
(P. 2)

The condition of the COVID-19 virus pandemic in Indonesia is increasing, there are 3 saints in Jakarta who are currently being treated in hospitals because of the virus. Then all blending meeting was stopped or postponed until next year, and all church meetings were held in their respective homes, and connected to each other using communication technology. To help the saints to meet in their homes, the church in Jakarta provides a live streaming service every day of the Lord, also provides a supply of the word through video recordings and mp3s that are distributed to all brothers and sisters. Carry out GOW now online. Praise God, through current conditions, more and more people are open to God, more devout people meet in homes, and are restored. Thanks. God be with you.
(C. J.)

Lord’s table meeting at home by Zoom
